Sunday, 12 April 2015

All there is...

The other day I was sitting in the field next to my house drawing this picture and I suddenly had a very unexpected but wonderful experience. It was like out of nowhere I got all this information in my head and started to see everything from a different perspective, like I was in my natural state. It felt like I was seeing myself from above and there was no difference anymore between me and the universe, I was completely one with everything. There were no worries or problems and I could physically see my reality being created with my thoughts. Our lives are just an experience we are having and everything is created by ourselves. It's not too easy to describe all this but I can say that things have changed ever since in a very positive way. 

So I made this artwork and I love it very much because it will always remind me of this. I'm also aware that my best ideas don't come from my head but from somewhere different. It's like I'm expressing something that comes from beyond this reality we are experiencing.

I believe that every person is creative in some way, since you can be creative in pretty much anything. Some people seem to lose it as they grow up but you can always rediscover it. That's very important!


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