Friday 26 December 2014

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Forever blue

Over the last two weeks I've been working on this, it's certainly not perfect but perfection is boring anyway. I didn't intend to edit it this way, I had actually planned to leave it as close to the original as possible, but it simply wasn't colourful enough. Maybe I could even say I fucked up the original a little bit, or should I just call it an experiment? I guess either way is fine.

Sunday 21 December 2014


Yesterday I went on a long train journey from Switzerland to Italy - an excuse to spend a few hours editing, until my laptop was about to die. I made a lot of new stuff, which made it terribly difficult for me to decide which ones to post today. I edited a picture I've been drawing in the past week and whatever I did looks nothing like the original. It's just one of those things I love so much about editing, letting it take you on a journey and you don't know where you're going.

Tuesday 16 December 2014


So I've had a few days off from making art, which I needed to explore the crazy night life in my new hometown Basel... and to recover from it. It was pretty good fun and now my head is full of ideas again and it's driving me a little bit mad but it's all coming together.

For some reason these designs remind me of my cover art I made for my band Katmandi, I can totally imagine this being some sort of album artwork. Maybe it's because parts of it are from a little book I always take with me where I write lyrics and I also use it as a diary a lot when I need to get things out of my system.

I've also been writing lyrics again recently and decided to scan most of my lyrics book/diary today, I don't even know why. I really got into writing again and I have the feeling I'll get the opportunity to turn them into songs soon. I usually get things if I really want them, so... let's hope a new project is coming may way maybe in the new year?

Friday 12 December 2014


This drawing is almost unedited, just made a few little adjustments but apart from that I left it to look like the original that I have made with different types of metallic pens.

I usually don't write too much about my artwork but since I love writing just like making art I want to say a few more things this time. Lately a lot of my inspiration is coming from the things that are going on around me, in this world and the system that we're in. Our current system and the very few rich people that are controlling this, expects us to live our lives like this: consume, obey the law, pay bills, get a shit job just so you can consume more crap that you don't need, marry someone who isn't even suitable for you so you can get divorced later, get a fucking mortgage borrowing money that doesn't exist, have kids that you put in front of the TV all day because you don't have time for them since you have to be in that meaningless job all day so you can consume consume consume so you're not a worthless cunt because.... well, the list goes on.

I'm not judging anyone who is getting fucked by the system, because honestly, all of us are in a way. I can only tell you one thing, this isn't a coincidence. This has been systematically designed by a few very rich and evil people on the top. Why doesn't everyone know about this? Because it's being suppressed by the mainstream media, which is controlled by them. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone but people need to do their own research and question everything.

I see miserable people every day and it's sad because they don't realise that they are so much more than they think they are. The media is designed to make people think they have to look a certain way, have certain material possessions and have their life going a certain way because they're worthless otherwise. But it's not like that... I believe that this system is coming down very soon and things are going to change for the better as more and more people are realising these things.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Holographic reality

Today I had a day off which was a great opportunity to disconnect myself from the outside world, finish a drawing I had been working on for more than a week, scan it and make about 98934893489 variations of it. I've decided to post only one of them today because they're all very different in terms of colours and styles, so the others can go on separate posts. 

The fun thing about editing your drawings is that you never know how they're going to end up. I usually don't expect any particular outcome and just go with the flow and see where it's going to take me. This time it just took me in many different directions and each one took me to a new destination. This is like travelling without leaving your house, and your creativity can take you on your own personal journey where no one else has ever been and will ever go. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Come on a trip

These colourful designs are just some of my favourite ones. A random idea I got whilst experimenting with some photos, trying out some effects, thinking "wow, this looks fucking trippy, let's make some more of this" and getting really excited about it... Like REALLY excited.

I love psychedelic and colourful art, especially because at the moment where I live it's all grey and miserable and people are miserable too, when I go on public transport I really think I prefer plants over people. Surely you could just take mind altering substances and go on an adventure in the forest, but for the times when you're not it is always good to have something to look at that makes you feel like you are.

Also, for me nature is the most inspiring thing. I've noticed that all of my art is somehow inspired by it, maybe it's just because I've grown up in a beautiful place in the countryside and spending too much time in a city doesn't make me very creative. I still choose to live in cities all the time but one day I want to live in a little house in the countryside and just make art and music. Or I want to live in a castle... we'll see.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Thursday 4 December 2014


Sometimes you get inspiration from sources that are not operating within this reality that our two eyes can see, but once you expand your mind and open it to all possibilities, you can create a different world for yourself where magical things happen.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014


If people ever ask me what my style of art is, I say something like "having no sense of direction, putting random things together and adding shitloads of effects in the end so no one quite knows how I made it".

Well, that's what happened here. All I had was a random bear and it needed a home, so I made this and it looks like it's enjoying life very much in this trippy little world.

Of course I have to mention that I got the inspiration for this from my first drinking tour in Basel. Is that surprising? I guess not, since those bears look like they've been munching the acid tabs like cereal, with some wine added instead of milk. The whole bottle.

Swimming pool

You either dive into all the madness, or you stand by the side and miss out on the fun. 

I just prefer to jump right in the middle of it.