Friday, 12 December 2014


This drawing is almost unedited, just made a few little adjustments but apart from that I left it to look like the original that I have made with different types of metallic pens.

I usually don't write too much about my artwork but since I love writing just like making art I want to say a few more things this time. Lately a lot of my inspiration is coming from the things that are going on around me, in this world and the system that we're in. Our current system and the very few rich people that are controlling this, expects us to live our lives like this: consume, obey the law, pay bills, get a shit job just so you can consume more crap that you don't need, marry someone who isn't even suitable for you so you can get divorced later, get a fucking mortgage borrowing money that doesn't exist, have kids that you put in front of the TV all day because you don't have time for them since you have to be in that meaningless job all day so you can consume consume consume so you're not a worthless cunt because.... well, the list goes on.

I'm not judging anyone who is getting fucked by the system, because honestly, all of us are in a way. I can only tell you one thing, this isn't a coincidence. This has been systematically designed by a few very rich and evil people on the top. Why doesn't everyone know about this? Because it's being suppressed by the mainstream media, which is controlled by them. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone but people need to do their own research and question everything.

I see miserable people every day and it's sad because they don't realise that they are so much more than they think they are. The media is designed to make people think they have to look a certain way, have certain material possessions and have their life going a certain way because they're worthless otherwise. But it's not like that... I believe that this system is coming down very soon and things are going to change for the better as more and more people are realising these things.


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